Tuesday 13 September 2022

Behind The Infinite - What's It All About?

 Behind The Infinite

What's It All About?

Hi Everyone,

Before I write anything on this blog, the best thing for me to do would be to give you the lowdown on what it will be about and why I called it Behind The Infinite...

Way back in 2017 I began two blogs, Infinite Realities Investigations and Infinite Sounds UK

Now Infinite Realities might currently be on a hiatus but, it does not mean I will never post there again. I started that blog to deal with one of my interests, that being the study of Anomalous Phenomena. Anything from Ghosts to Ufology, Ancient Sites to Cryptozoology, Energy Healing and beyond. The Paranormal and such like has always been of great interest to me and along the way I have been involved in several Paranormal research groups, set up one and been the secretary of the Southampton UFO Group (sadly now closed). I have seen and experienced many things I have no rational explanations for and my interest continues to this day.

As for Infinite Sounds UK, that is another story and one that I plan to put into book format. To cut a long story short I wanted to write reviews that were comprehensive and told you whole story of an album, EP or single, to give you a deeper insight to why you should, or even should not, buy a particular release. I also wanted to incorporate some aspect of the spiritual insights I had gained throughout my life and so I began to listen to music and see how it made me feel on a deep level, beyond just hearing it. After a while I began to feel I was getting in touch with the energy behind the music and I decided to put that to good use and began to write what I was feeling. As my writing evolved the blog has become a go to place for reviews that are unlike anything you might have read, it is also a place where many artists come on a regular basis.

Beyond the blogs I saw the opportunity to create a group that would house all the things I enjoy under one umbrela name, that name would be Infinite. So, I decided to go beyond the blogs and made, after some tweeking, Infinite Images to use for and photos or videos I might produce and felt that if anything else came up I just needed to incorporate the Infinite tag to it in some way. 

So, when I decided it might be a good idea, as much on a personal level as any, to create a blog that would detail my daily ups and downs in life, to incorporate it into the Infinite brand and so, eventually, i came up with Behind The Infinite, because the aim here is to write about what goes on behind the blogs, behind the music, behind the pictures, behind it all. We all have a life behind what the outside world see's and this will help you see a bit more of mine...

What can you expect from this blog?

To be honest, I plan to write about anything that comes to mind. My journey through Grief, my Anxiety Disorder, ADD and whatever comes up from everyday life, one day to the next. I plan to be brutally honest as I write, which means there will be coarse language, pain, tears and discussions that might be upsetting or triggering but, I will do my best to forewarn the reader where possible.

Please feel free to read what I write But, if you find something too much or too offensive, please go not get angry or report me. Remember everything I write is my own viewpoint and my own experiences, it's my life. I do not intent to upset, anger or offend anyone. All I will be doing is sharing my thoughts and emotions into words to help myself and if, along the way, my words are able to help someone understand that there are times that is OK not to be ok and it is OK to reach out and ask for help, to open up to someone, anything that serves to help you to be you and for you to be OK, then I will have really achieved something special.

I think that will be enough for now,

The next post will start the journey,

Till then, Be safe and be strong but, more to the point, Be Yourself...


1 comment:

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